Brewing Sugar

1 drop contains precisely the exact amount of bottling sugar you need to carbonate 1 bottle , filled with your unique home-brewed beer or cider.... more info
Brew Enhancer 1Brew Enhancer 1 (1kg) improves the body, mouthfeel and head retention of your favourite brew without altering the flavour. Coopers... more info
Brew Enhancer 2 (1kg) improves the flavour, body, mouthfeel and head retention of your favourite brew. Coopers Brew Enhancer 2 contains dextrose,... more info
Coopers Brew Enhancer 3 contains a high proportion of Light Dry Malt combined with dextrose and maltodextrin. The substantial quantity of Pale malt,... more info
Carbonation Drops are a convenient, no mess, no fuss alternative to priming sugar. Many homebrewers find the bottling process to be mundane and... more info
For fast, easy bottling, carbonation drops take the guess work out of priming your beer and completely replaces priming sugar. Directions: ... more info
Benefits of Carbonation drops: · 80 drops in a pack, sufficient for up to 40 x 1 pint/500ml bottles. · Exact amount of priming sugar... more info
Body Brew is a maltodextrin used to add body to your brew. Body Brew will give increased head retention and a cleaner secondary fermentation than... more info
Lactose is milk sugar and is used to sweeten and add body. Often used in sweet stouts and ciders. more info
Lactose is milk sugar and is used to sweeten and add body. Often used in sweet stouts and ciders. more info
Ferments easier, increases yield and gives cleaner flavour than household sugar. more info
Ferments easier, increases yield and gives cleaner flavour than household sugar. more info
Munton's Beer Kit Enhancer contains 1kg of a blend of spray dried dextrose and spray dried maltextract which is simply added in place of sugar to any... more info