Currently Viewing Product 54 of 82
Premium Malt is used for brewing all malt Premium Lagers. There is an emphasis on producing a malt with low protein and relatively low Soluble/Total Protein levels to ensure good extract levels, no haze problems and low DMS potential. Steeping and germination are carefully controlled to prevent excessive modification and to preserve head retention values in the beer. Kilning of the green malt is also carefully controlled to prevent excessive colour formation and to stabilise that colour, so that colour pick-up on wort boiling is restricted and yet sufficient heat is applied to ensure that DMS potential is limited.
Although mainly intended for all malt beers, Premium malt contains sufficient diastatic power to convert a limited amount of adjunct. However, care should be taken that too much adjunct is not used or flavour could be impaired. In addition excessive dilution of soluble nitrogen from adjunct use could result in yeast nutrition problems, causing poor fermentation or flavour defects such as diacetyl.
Colour 2.5 - 3.5 EBC; Maximum Percentage 100%